
Wednesday, April 2, 2014


i'm selling Tupperware now. i know, it's crazy. but i love it. but i don't want to overwhelm everyone that visits this blog with Tupperware news. so i have set up a separate blog for Tupperware talk. i may refer to it here from time to time. i might be crazy, but i am not pushy. visit my Tupperware blog at, notyourgrandmastupperware.blogspot.com

and if you want to start your Tupperware collection, contact me!

the rest of march

woah. march was busy. but i blogged it. go me. here is the rest of our month.
farm girl.

THE big lego plane.

gymnastics girl. i die.

after a day in the shop with mama.

my morning view while drinking some java. i'm not bragging. ok, maybe just a little. 

chilling with a wipe on her head because, well just because.

1st soccer practice. making new friends.

 sissy loves selfies.

 midnight cupcake making.

exchanging sad face selfies with my sister in law on the way to set up coen's bday.

sunday FUNday on the lania. hey there naked baby! coen said, "i don't want her to go in naked, she might pee in the pool." i responded with, "honey she's going to pee in the pool regardless." 

the coolest, biggest, best bubbles ever! thank aunty mae!