today i am 22 weeks along with sweet marin maisie. it's nice to be on the downhill side. i am not tired of being pregnant, but just totally ready to have her here with us. in some ways it is going fast, and then again i feel like fall is still so far away.
things i love about being pregnant:
feeling her movements. starbucks bacon breakfast sandwiches. coen's sweet voice talking about his little sister, marin 'daisy'. preparing a nursery. elastic waistbands.
things i do not like about being pregnant:
heartburn in the middle of the night. expanding waistlines (and hips). achy back muscles. constantly being hungry. sneeze peeing.
a few weeks ago kahuku photography asked to come over and do a mini maternity shoot with coen and i. she is going to come back when i am further along, so we can get some good progression photos of the growing belly. all the pictures were taken at our home, or on our property and i love them.